Andalusite derives its name from the Spanish province where it was first sighted in 1789. Its play of red green and yellow hues resembles a muted iridescence with adaptable color tones.

Jenipapo andalusite cluster ring.Jenipapo andalusite pear shape stone.Jenipapo andalusite ring.Jenipapo andalusite rough cut stone.Jenipapo Andalusite Logo

Andalusite's ability to exhibit a variety of hues in a single stone including light yellow-brown olive dusty rose and gray-green renders it difficult to pin down a leading color. This is a gem that displays pleochroism meaning that it appears different colors when viewed from different angles. While gemcutters typically try to focus in on a single shade for other gemstones they prefer to showcase andalusite's transitional ability by choosing gem material with a good mingling of hues.

Andalusite has traditionally been a collector's gem and a rare find. While difficult to acquire in small jewelry shops artisans are beginning to introduce this stone into their creations.



• Crystal healers credit andalusite with improving intelligence assisting with memory and resolving issues.

• This gemstone is said to help its wearer understand the concept of 'everything in moderation ' facilitating balance and helping you remain grounded.

Disclaimer: Use of any stone or mineral is not a substitute for professional medical care or treatment, and nothing herein constitutes medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Information provided should not be used to treat any illness, injury, medical condition, or ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health professional.



Location: Brazil

Brazil takes pride in its production of exquisite andalusite. Shop LC obtains andalusite from the Jenipapo mines in the Minas Gerais territory of Brazil.




• Ranks 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs hardness scale.

• Strong pleochroism makes it difficult to pinpoint the color of this stone but its overall appearance is that of a dusty peach pink red-brown or light orange-brown.

• Sourced from Minas Gerais in Brazil.

• Member of the andalusite-kanonaite family.

• Also known as chiastolite viridine andaluzite apyre feldspath apyre jamesonite or lohestite.

• 100 percent natural stone; no additional treatments.